A magazine devoted to the Spiritual Teachings of Beinsa Douno for self education and individual.
NOTE: Grain of Wheat Magazine is discontinuing their publication. Back issues will be made available through Evera Books.
Some quotes from Beinsa Douno in the magazine:
"Each grain of wheat encapsulates in a miraculous way particles of the Divine Life. Each grain of wheat holds within it the consciousness of Divine thought."
"All around us there are backward spirits trying to infiltrate man and to create disease. A useful affirmation for the sufferer is the following:
'In the name of Divine Love, Divine Wisdom, Divine Truth, and by the Power of the Divine Spirit, I order you to leave. I live in Love which excludes all illness. My body is a temple of the Living God, therefore it must not be touched by disease.'
"The sufferer may also say:
'I am a server of God and therefore I need to be healthy and I am healthy.' There are cases when an illness comes to provide an obstacle preventing the sufferer from doing something that would otherwise be detrimental to his evolution."
Evera Books is providing sample issues of Grain of Wheat for free, upon request.