Evera Books Booklist

Included in this booklist are Recent Arrivals, The Viola Bowman Collection, Overviews of Beinsa Douno and his Teaching, Practices taught by Beinsa Douno including Paneurhythmy, and Various Teachings of Beinsa Douno covering a wide range of topics.


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Overviews of Beinsa Douno and His Teaching

Prophet for Our Times  Prophet for Our Times, edited by David Lorimer, A biography of Beinsa Douno, followed by numerous excerpts from his talks, arranged by subject (God, the Noetic World, The Divine School, Master & Disciple, Fundamental Principles of Life, etc.) 272 pages $18 "It is only with and through love that the world will be set to rights. For my part, I am leaving. My work will continue on the other side. You do not have much time left. Be vigilant and do not be discouraged. You must all progress with greater enthusiasm. Be sincere and true to your mission. May peace be with you. A small task has been completed."
The Wellspring of Good The Wellspring of Good: The Last Words of the Master Beinsa Douno (2013 Edition)) compiled by Bojan Boev and Boris Nikolov. The Master shares deep insights into the inner realities of life, covering a vast array of subjects, including Paneurythmy, Communion with Nature, Music, The Law of Love, Cosmic Consciousness, The Colors, Joy, The New Epoch, etc. New edition with color photographs of the Master and of Paneurythmy in the Rila Mountains. 448 pages. $15."When I speak about the new man, I have in mind the people of the Sun who live with Joy. The are exuberant, generous, and overcome their difficulties easily. They are heroes, men with open hearts. They use everything wisely. They enjoy everything. In both suffering and pleasure, the new man is filled with an inner joy. He knows that both the bad and the good conditions are given in order for him to grow."  See Review
The Grain of Wheat The Grain of Wheat This book covers a vast variety of teachings, music, prayers, photographs, and stories of Beinsa Douno, 300 pages, $25."I teach a positive Teaching that you can apply in the life and I can attempt this with anyone, so long as he is sincere. That is the priviledge of my philosopy - that it can be applied in life. I am applying this divine science in practice." "The Grain of Wheat is the symbol of the human soul." "Most people say that life is difficult. Life is difficult when we think only about people and not about God." "The following thought will now come to your minds: which doctrine is correct? A correct doctrine is one which is founded on complete, absolute faith. That means even in life's most contradictory situations not allowing a shadow of doubt about God to enter one's mind." "Life is a place for setting things up, for work. If somebody has got dirty, it does not matter. Fetch some clean water and help him to clean himself. That is the path of love, of exaltation."
The Master Speaks The Master Speaks, Talks by Beinsa Douno on a number fundamental spiritual subjects: Life, The Soul, Love, Wisdom, Righteousness, God, Man, Spirit, The Good, Freedom, The Light, etc. 117 pages $16.00. "Love gives birth to the good. The good is the foundation of life. The good is the soil iof life and at the same time its nourishment. Only the good can sustain life, only the good can nourish it. When God limits Himself, the good is born in the world. When man is confined, evil is born. And when he is freed from confinement, good appears. In other words, when the desire to serve God originates within the human soul, then the conditions for the good are created." See Review
Harmonizing of the Human Soul - a Boyan D Boev Archive These excerpts from numerous conversations with the Master were recorded by Boyan Boev over an extensive period of time, at least from the 1920's through the 1940's. As Boyan Boev demonstrated in The Wellspring of Good, he has a special ability to extract an extensive and illuminating array of teachings from the Master. The material is excellent, and not readily available from other sources. Unfortunately, the translation and editing are less than optimal, but this isn't a major issue if you are willing to "read between the lines". 552 pages. $20. "If man moves with the speed of an oxcart, ages will be needed for his consciousness to awake, but if he moves with the speed of light, it will take little time. The future order will be the order of Love; then, as an external manifestations of Love, four things will be applied: honesty, justice, purity, and selflessness. When they are applied in the social system, it will be improved. It is a solution to the issue, but how, after all, can it happen? This is an issue of awakening of the consciousness, because it is inside the human soul and has to manifest by itself. So which love will solve all human issues? It is Love in which honesty, justice and selflessness are included as elements."

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Practices taught by Beinsa Douno

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Various Teachings

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